Check ups
When you come to us for a routine dental check-up, we’ll
examine your mouth, teeth and gums to make sure everything is as
it should be. The two major dangers for teeth are tooth decay and
gum disease, but if the signs are spotted early both of these can
be treated more easily – or prevented altogether.
Fresh Breath Clinic
To keep your teeth and gums healthy and your breath fresh it’s
very important to brush your teeth (and tongue!) correctly and floss
regularly after brushing. Your dentist or hygienist will be happy
to show you how to care for your teeth at home. Careful brushing
will also remove plaque, the invisible film of bacteria that forms
on your teeth. It’s also a good idea to avoid sugary foods
and drinks as the sugar they contain can turn plaque to acid, which
can cause tooth decay.
Mouth Cancer Screening
For information about mouth cancer screening click
Mouth guards
If you take part in sports, especially contact sports such as rugby
or football, we can provide you with a specially made mouth guard
to cushion and protect your teeth and gums from injury. A mouth
guard can even protect you against things like broken or dislocated
jaws so it’s well worth talking to your dentist about this
service. |